Sunday, 22 August 2010
Saturday, 20 September 2008
My Roborovski Hamsters
Hamsters are stout-bodied, with tails much shorter than body length and have small furry ears, short stocky legs, and wide feet. Their thick, silky fur, which can be long or short, can be black, grey, white, brown, buff, yellow, "sapphire" or red depending on the species, or a mix of any of those colors.
Hamsters are omnivorous. Their diet consists mostly of grains (such as whole grain oats and corn) but also includes fresh fruit, roots such as carrots, green parts of plants. Hamsters carry food in their spacious cheek pouches to a cache in the burrow. Hamsters in the Middle East have been known to hunt in packs to find insects for food.
Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) are generally solitary and will fight to the death if put together, whereas dwarf hamsters can get along with others of the same species. Hamsters are primarily considered crepuscular and at one point were considered nocturnal as they are sometimes active all night. They are excellent diggers, constructing burrows with one or more entrances and with galleries that are connected to chambers for nesting, food storage, and other activities. They will also appropriate tunnels made by other mammals; the striped hairy-footed hamster (Phodopus sungorus), for instance, uses paths and burrows of the pika. None hibernate during winter, but some (mostly Syrian hamsters) experience periods of torpor lasting from a few days to several weeks. This probably means that conditions are too cold for them. Hamsters are known to stockpile large amounts of food, because of natural instinct from the wild. Because of this behavior it is alright if you leave a hamster alone for a few days if you need to go somewhere. Once you tame a Syrian hamster, they remain so for a very long time. However, once you tame a dwarf hamster, you must keep playing with it. If left alone for a maximum of two weeks, it will become untame again.
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Spirit Festival (鬼节)
I usually have no problem with Spirit Festival and I respect to traditions and cultures diversity greatly. However, the photo below make me really uncomfortable. It was taken next to a block near ang mo kio where people burn "ghost money" to memorize ancestors or family members that passed away.
As you can see, the site almost turns out to be a trash depot, unburned litters, plastic bags everywhere along the road side and below hdb.
Singapore is well known as the most clean and beautiful country in the world, but the scene obviously doesn't give any credit to it. I really hope that government could put more effort to regulate this (if not ban it) rather than developing more brilliant manners to raise tax.
Leave your comment if you have any thoughts.
新加坡的鬼节让新加坡的美丽形象失分不少,几乎整个月总是有人烧冥纸,尊重传统没有错, 烟灰我也能忍受,可是象照片里这样的话可就不对了。
Saturday, 30 August 2008
Machritchie Reservoir Footage ( 麦里芝蓄水池森林行)
麦里芝水库是新加坡历史最悠久的水库,始建于1867-1868年, 每天可为新加坡提供400万加仑的淡水。水库被原始的热带雨林环绕, 是很多淡水野生动物的栖息地。
先上地图. 红线是深入原始森林的小径, 13到15公里长, 沿着水边的虚线是木板路. 沿途可以看到好多鱼群,淡水乌龟, 还有猴子,超大的蜥蜴。
有没有人能认出这是什么树? 奇怪的树,浑身长满了刺。
老婆想逗路上的猴子被我阻止了, 害怕猴子抓到她, 毕竟是野生的。
这次出门唯一的失误是我们忘记带一瓶水,路上把她渴坏了, 可是森林里面去那里买水啊! 只好忍着了,好不容易走出了森林, 我和她一口气喝了3瓶水,呵呵,下次是无论如何也不能忘记了。
Home Sweet home! 我的小房间
Take a glance at my room :) Finally make it tidy.
终于收拾好了, 好舒服。 就是床有点硬,不过睡硬床对身体好。
Watch MediaCorp HD5 on your PC (用电脑来看新加坡高清晰第5播道)
MediaCorp TV HD5 is Singapore's first over-the-air HDTV channel, simulcasting HD version of Channel 5 programming when available. It is the first terrestrial broadcast HD channel in South-East Asia and also first in the world to use MPEG4/AVC compression.
新传媒的高清第五播道是新加坡,东南亚,和世界上第一个免费的可用室外天线接收(over-the-air DVB-T broadcast)的数字高清频道(HDTV), 它和新传媒的普通第五播道是同步的。
Below listed 3 options of how to watch a HDTV broadcast in singapore. (下面是几种在新加坡收看HD5的办法)
Option 1 is reliable and low risk, You can get those HD tv-decoding box from any main electronic vendor in Singapore such as Harvey Norman(not recommended), Courts(not recommended), Sim Lim Square(not recommended). The con is the box is expensive.
Option 2 is reliable but even more expensive.
Option 3 seems at lowest cost (assume you already have a ok PC at home) but require a bit of skill and knowledge to implement.
Here i'm going to give a brief on how to implement option 3.
First of all, You need a relative high performance PC to cope it since decoding complex H.264 consume quite some cpu power. 2ndly, You need a TV Tuner that support DVB-T. Last thing and also the key is to get a software that capable of decode streaming live H.264 TV signal.
The soft does this trick best imho is Total Media 3.5
I'm not going into detail on how to install and customize all those hardware and software tweaks. Coz there are too many content to go on. So I expect you have some basic skills and knowledge to accomplish it. After all things done, Feel free to enjoy the free HD5 at your desk :)
Still have questions? Drop me a mail, I will answer them while i got time.
Use EPG (Electronic Program Guide) to select program that you want to record. Software will add it to schedule recording list automatically :)
High Definition Olympic game show at your finger tips! Enjoy it!